Living A Spiritual Path

My weekly thoughts on the joys and challenges of living a spiritual path,
integrating psychotherapy and spirituality.

Holistic Healing

March 1, 2016 | admin

I’ve found that people grow and heal on all levels – physical, emotional, mental and spiritual. When you get ahead in one area because it is your preference, then the others rear their heads to be addressed and get caught up. Recognizing the needs of those areas that take you out of your comfort zone, just so you can heal your physical distress, seems to be crucial. I’ve found that long-standing issues have their roots in many parts of your being, which is why the healing process is such a growing process, and often quite lengthy.

There are many healing modalities, and practitioners of all kinds. Some focus on one area of expertise, others focus on the connection between body and mind. Each are able to help you in different ways, at different times. Every person’s healing journey is unique, and the exploration is part of the healing journey.

Having struggled with ongoing, chronic illness for decades that neither standard or alternative health practitioners understood, I came to understand the role physical health has in psychological health and wellbeing, as well as spiritual growth. I also experienced what a strong motivator dis-ease in your body can be – to let go of cultural expectations, live fully in the present moment, take responsibility for your own healing, get out of limited thinking, open your heart to all the joy and pain of life, discover your spiritual self, develop really strong desire to heal and then help others heal, to surrender your life to something bigger than you. Ultimately, illness can be a great wake-up call and guide in deepening your life.

It’s been a very fascinating journey. And it’s meant I had to trust my own intuition, knowledge, experience and guidance more than any other person. Learning that has been very worth it, and crucial to my ability to take that inner power and focus, that wisdom and compassion, and act in the world. Illness seems to be a common experience amongst those who step out of the norms and boxes of society to offer the world something unique and powerful.