Living A Spiritual Path

My weekly thoughts on the joys and challenges of living a spiritual path,
integrating psychotherapy and spirituality.

Psychology and Spirituality

March 29, 2016 | Megan Piercy

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I am compelled to start writing weekly about living a deeper path, from both the psychological and spiritual perspectives. Not the philosophical or heady ideas that guide us all and many have written about, but the gritty nuts-and-bolts of actual lived day-to-day experience, the struggles we all have. This has been my path for more than 30 years, since long before there was much understanding or guidance, to today where I act as a guide and catalyst for others waking up to the spiritual dimension, and diving into the emotional and mental patterns holding them back. I refer to the spiritual as a lived experience, not necessarily any religious denomination.

All I ever really wanted was to be free, free from all my considerable inner angst, free to live from my integrity. Quite a lofty spiritual concept, and thank goodness I had no clue what it would entail, or I never would have embarked on the journey. But this inner calling would just not let go, so I found myself willing to plumb the depths of pain and despair that most people run swiftly away from, to take responsibility for all parts of myself and whatever challenges life has handed me, to let go of ego control and surrender my life to that deeper truth and guidance that some people call God, and to accept a completely different life plan than I was taught to expect. Not that any of this is new, but I found the reality of living this path to be quite different from what I was told, or read. It’s much harder, and is really a lifelong commitment. In learning to go against the norm and live my truth, to trust the wisdom of my unique circuitous, challenging yet fascinating path, and to reap its many rewards, I found I had a real gift of skill, compassion and guidance for others.

I work as a holistic therapist. I have a standard counseling degree and professional affiliation, yet cannot help but work with people on emotional, mental, spiritual and physical levels, since all four have been crucial in my own development. I have been particularly amazed at how separate the psychological and spiritual development worlds are, as my biggest interest has always been a marriage of the two. I find work in one leads to work in the other, that growth, expansion and enlightenment cannot really happen at any depth without forward movement in both areas.

My gift is clear insight, seeing what’s going on within and between people on a deeper level, so if someone is ready I can help them move forward quickly. I have my own lived experience of spiritual concepts, in all their rawness and confusion and pain, there joy and unconditional love. This is where I see many people need help, understanding and guidance in what they are going through, a safe space large enough to process their emotions, and a new road map for life.

There is a lot of misconception out there about what living a spiritual path is really about. I meet so many people and clientele that think they are failing, falling apart, or that something is really wrong with them, when from my perspective I see them as breaking open, discarding the old masks they used to play, becoming attuned to their true inner self, and learning a whole new way of being in the world. I also see a lot of people saying one thing and doing another, they have learned certain therapeutic or spiritual concepts in their head, but have not yet done the hard work of letting those truths sink down into their heart, soul and actions in the world. People live their lives from different depths, amounts of personal power, and degrees of presence, so see things differently. But I do find there are a lot of similar experiences everyone has when choosing to live from their higher, or Spirit, self rather than just the ego personality that is the norm in our Western society.

Many of you are older souls, with bigger paths of service in the world than average. You just don’t fit in with what others are doing, valuing, or what they expect of you. You know who you are. There’s not a lot of company or guidance as you look at the people around you, but there’s more and more in the world every day as humanity shifts, and the internet connects us now. My blog is reaching out you!
